- Acrel Electric Co., Ltd
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Главная > Новости компании > Acrel Medical Isolation Power Supply Monitoring System
Shelly Zhang
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Acrel IT System Insulation Monitoring Device And Fault Location System
With the rapid development of medical electronic technology, patients and doctors in hospital wards have been surrounded by electronic devices and equipment. In the special environment of the hospital, electricity poses a potential hazard to patients. Patients are often connected to electrical and electronic devices, the skin's electrical resistance may be broken down, and patients often lose or reduce their defense function due to pain loss. Especially during surgery or under anesthesia, when electrodes, sensors or tubes are inserted directly into the patient's body, A leakage current of 10μA directly through the patient's heart can cause the patient to be electrocuted, which is known in medicine as A micro shock.
At the same time, hospital operating room, ICU and CCU are places with high requirements on power reliability. No matter what happens, the continuity of power supply should be guaranteed; otherwise, patients' lives will be in danger due to the power failure of life-sustaining equipment.
According to GB16895.24-2005, the electrical system used in class II medical facilities shall use a medical isolation power supply system for life-sustaining, surgical and other medical electrical equipment and power supply loops located in the "patient area".
Medical Isolation Power Supply Monitoring System
Medical isolation power supply monitoring system is used to centrally monitor the operation of medical system in all medical locations. This centralized monitoring system can be installed in the duty room of hospital electrical operation and maintenance personnel, or integrated in other monitoring systems. Once a set of IT system fails, the eletrical maintenance personnel can make a judgement in the first time and deal with it accorfing to the suitation on the spot.
Main Functions
1.primary connection diagram and field distribution display
2. real-time data acquisition and display
3. Fault alarm
4.Remote parameter seeting and inquiry
5.Graphic display
Solution Sample
Acrel IT System Insulation website
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